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Dear participants,


On behalf of the Postgraduate Students Commission (ipSC) from the Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa), we are pleased to invite you to the 11th iMed.ULisboa Postgraduate Students Meeting and 4th i3DU Meeting, which takes place in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisboa, on July 15th 2019.


As an interdisciplinary institute, iMed.ULisboa is responsible for the continuous scientific research in several areas of knowledge that share a final link with the current public health and medicinal needs. This Meeting aims towards the possibility of students and researchers sharing their work and exchange ideas among the different areas of expertise.


This year, the programme will consist of two keynotes lectures, focusing on the interdisciplinarity and the cross-link between different scientific areas. Remaining lectures will be given by PhD Students from different groups presenting their work.

Poster sessions will allow all participants to share and discuss their work and network with the iMed.ULisboa community.


The Meeting will be concluded with a round table focusing around the topic of - ‘The importance of interdisciplinarity: working in between scientific fields.’ - in which renowned investigators from iMed.ULisboa will share their experience and point of view in an environment that promotes the discussion with the participants.


We welcome you all to join us at this event.




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Dr. Pedro M. Baptista

Aragon Health Sciences Institute,

Zaragoza, Spain

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Dra. Maria Matos

University of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain & FCUP

Round table

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Dr. Pedro Gois

iMed.ULisboa - FFUL

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Dr. Nuno Taveira

iMed.ULisboa - FFUL

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Dr. Rui Castro

iMed.ULisboa - FFUL

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Dra. Helena Florindo

iMed.ULisboa - FFUL

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Registration deadline: 21 June 2019

Abstract submission deadline: 21 June 2019


All participants, including professors, group leaders and investigators must fill the online registration form.


Meeting registration and Abstract Submission are submitted in the same form.



After the successful submission of the registration form, you will receive an email with your answers to confirm your registration.

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Click here

for registration &

Abstrat submission

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Scientific Committee


Cecília Rodrigues - Cellular Function and Therapeutic Targeting

Elsa Anes - Host-Pathogen Interactions

Ana Paula Leandro - Metabolism and Genetics

João Gonçalves - Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology

Dora Brites - Neuron-Glia Biology in Health and Disease

Pedro Góis - Bioorganic Chemistry

Rui Moreira - Medicinal Chemistry

Maria José Umbelino - Natural Products Chemistry

Maria Henriques - Chemical Biology and Toxicology

Helena Florindo - BioNanoSciences - Drug Delivery and Immunotherapy

António Almeida - Nanostructured Systems for Overcoming Biological Barriers

Maria Beatriz Lima - Pharmacological and Regulatory Sciences

Nuno Taveira - HIV Evolution, Epidemiology and Prevention

Fernando Fernandez-Llimós - Pharmacoepidemiology and Social Pharmacy


Organizing Committee


Sara Oliveira - Cellular Function and Therapeutic Targeting

Gonçalo Garcia - Neuron Glia Biology in Health and Disease

João Ravasco - Bioorganic Chemistry

Ricardo Lopes - Bioorganic Chemistry

André Campaniço - Medicinal Chemistry

Cláudia Braga - Medicinal Chemistry

Shirley Sancha - Natural Products Chemistry

Ana Bárbara Carreira - BioNanoSciences - Drug Delivery and Immunotherapy

Nuno Costa - BioNanoSciences - Drug Delivery and Immunotherapy

Ana Henriques Mota - Nanostructured Systems for Overcoming Biological Barriers

Jacinta Pinho - Nanostructured Systems for Overcoming Biological Barriers

Inês Moranguinho - HIV Evolution, Epidemiology and Prevention

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Abstract Submission


The abstract submission is only allowed for postgraduate students, including PhD and Master students, and BI fellows. Only one abstract per registration is authorized.


Abstract submission is online, in the registration form, via the official meeting site.

After the successful submission of your abstract, you will receive an email with your answers.


Oral communications are selected by the correspondent group leader.


The accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts, soon available on this page.


Abstract Guidelines


Title: The maximum limit is 15 words. Use Title Case.


Abstract body: The maximum limit is 350 words. Please make sure that your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes, as it will be reproduced as submitted.

If you need to use special characters (symbols, italic, superscript, etc.), please contact us via email with the following subject: [Special Characters] - First author name.

Co-authors: List all authors and number institutions as follows: Darwin C. (1), Curie M. S. (1,2). In case all the co-authors are from the same institution, do not use numbers.


Affiliations: iMed.ULisboa should be referred as Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.


Keywords: Maximum of 5 words.


Funding: Mandatory. It should include references of FCT projects and fellowships or others.


References: Not mandatory. If your abstract includes references, please use this style: [1] Silva, B. F. B.; Marques, E. F.; Olsson, U., Soft Matter 2011, 7, 225-236.


Figures: If you want to include a figure, please make sure you use *.jpeg or *.png formats.


Oral Presentations


Oral presentations must be done using the iMed.ULisboa presentation template, provided below.



Time: 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.


The presentation must be send to the ipSC ( until Saturday, July 13th.

The use of personal computers will not be allowed.


iMed.ULisboa will kindly sponsor a award for the best oral presentation. The award comprises a conference registration grant (up to 250€) and a certificate, which will be delivered at the Closing Session.


Poster Presentations


Posters must be written in English and should not exceed 85 cm in width and 120 cm in height. The iMed.ULisboa poster template is recommended, but not mandatory. The template is provided below for the ones that choose to use it.



All posters must be placed in the Professors’ Hall on July 10th, so the scientific committee may perform a preliminary evaluation of all posters. Selected posters will be presented to the scientific committee and considered for the best poster presentation. All posters that are not displayed in due time will not be considered for poster presentation and award.


All posters will be displayed until the end of the Meeting.

The posters will be numbered according to the Book of Abstracts.


At the end of the meeting, all participants must remove their posters. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for posters that have not been collected.


The award and the certificate will be delivered at the Closing Session.


The Book of Abstracts is available here:


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Poster template

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Oral Presentation Template

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2019 iMed.ULisboa Students’ Meeting by ipSC


Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa

Avenida Prof. Gama Pinto, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal

GPS: +38º 44’58.61’’, -9º 9’26.51’’

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